Fufuzani  kapena    Chilankhulo:

David tanthauzo la dzina loyamba

David kutanthauzira dzina: dzina ili m'zinenero zina, malemba ndi matchulidwe osiyanasiyana, azimayi ndi amitundu osiyanasiyana dzina David.

Tchulani David

From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawid), which was probably derived from Hebrew דוד (dwd) meaning "beloved". David was the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Several stories about him are told in the Old Testament, including his defeat of Goliath, a giant Philistine. According to the New Testament, Jesus was descended from him.

This name has been used in Britain since the Middle Ages. It has been especially popular in Wales, where it is used in honour of the 5th-century patron saint of Wales (also called Dewi), as well as in Scotland, where it was borne by two kings. Famous bearers include empiricist philosopher David Hume (1711-1776), explorer David Livingstone (1813-1873), musician David Bowie (1947-2016), and soccer player David Beckham (1975-). This is also the name of the hero of Charles Dickens' semi-autobiographical novel 'David Copperfield' (1850).

Kodi David dzina la mnyamata?

Inde, dzina David lili ndi chikhalidwe cha amuna.

Dzina lachikazi David

Dzina David ali ndi mayina ofanana ndi aakazi. Akazi amawatcha dzina David:

Kodi dzina loyamba David limachokera kuti?

Dzina David kawirikawiri ku Chilankhulo, Chihebri, Chilankhulo, Scottish, Chisipanishi, Chipwitikizi, Chilankhulo, Chilankhulo, Chi Norway, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Slovene, Chilankhulo cha Russian, Chilankhulo, Serbian, Chimakedoniya, Chilankhulo, Baibulo, Chilatini cha m'Baibulo.

Zina zamatsenga za dzina loyamba David

דָּוִד (mu Chihebri), Давид (mu chinenero cha Russian, mu Serbian, mu Macedonian)

David maina osiyanasiyana

Mayina omwe amatchulidwa kukhala ofanana ndi David

Fufuzani dzina lanu ndi dzina lanu. Ndi Mfulu!

Dzina lanu:
Dzina lanu:
Pezani kusanthula

Zambiri za dzina loyamba David

David kutanthauza dzina

Kodi David imatanthauza chiyani? Dzina la dzina David.


David chiyambi cha dzina loyamba

Dzina lakuti David linachokera kuti? Chiyambi cha dzina loyamba David.


David kutanthauzira dzina loyamba

Dzina loyambirirali m'zinenero zina, zolemba ndi matchulidwe osiyanasiyana, azimayi ndi amuna amitundu yoyamba David.


Mayina a David

David mayina ochepa. Mayina a dzina loyamba David.


David muzinenero zina

Dziwani momwe dzina loyamba David likutchulira dzina loyamba m'chinenero china m'dziko lina.


How to pronounce David

Kodi mumatcha bwanji David? Njira zosiyana zogwiritsira ntchito David. Kutchulidwa kwa David


David mogwirizana ndi mayina awo

David mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina awo.


David mogwirizana ndi mayina ena

David mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ena.


Mndandanda wa mayina ndi dzina David

Mndandanda wa mayina ndi dzina David