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Jeffrey Roffey

Dzina ndi chifanizo Jeffrey Roffey. Dzina la dzina loyambirira, chiyambi, malingana ndi dzina ndi chilembo Jeffrey Roffey. Mapulogalamu onse pa intaneti.

Jeffrey Roffey kutanthauza

Jeffrey Roffey kutanthauza: kufufuza mwachidule cha tanthauzo la dzina Jeffrey ndi dzina loti Roffey.


Jeffrey kutanthauza dzina

Dzina la dzina loyamba Jeffrey. Dzina loyamba Jeffrey limatanthauza chiyani?


Roffey kutanthauzira dzina

Tanthauzo la dzina la Roffey. Kodi dzina lachibwana Roffey limatanthauza chiyani?


Kugwirizana kwa Jeffrey ndi Roffey

Kugwirizana kwa dzina lamanambala Roffey ndi dzina Jeffrey.


Jeffrey mogwirizana ndi mayina awo

Jeffrey mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ndi mayina awo.


Roffey mogwirizana ndi mayina

Roffey kuyezetsa mgwirizano wa mayina ndi mayina.


Jeffrey mogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Jeffrey mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ena oyambirira.


Roffey yogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Roffey mayesero ogwirizana ndi mayina ena.


Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Jeffrey

Mayina odziwika kwambiri ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Jeffrey.


Maina omwe amapita ndi Roffey

Maina wamba ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Roffey.


Jeffrey chiyambi cha dzina loyamba

Chiyambi cha dzina loyamba Jeffrey.


Jeffrey tanthauzo la dzina loyamba

Dzina loyambirira mu zinenero zina, zolemba ndi matchulidwe osiyanasiyana, azimayi ndi amitundu osiyanasiyana dzina Jeffrey.


Mayina a Jeffrey

Jeffrey maina ochepa.


How to pronounce Jeffrey

Kodi mumatcha bwanji Jeffrey m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana?


Jeffrey muzinenero zina

Dziwani momwe dzina loyamba Jeffrey likutchulira dzina loyamba m'chinenero china m'dziko lina.


Jeffrey kutanthauzira dzina labwino: Kulenga, Ali ndi ubwino, Bwino, Wokondwa, Yosasunthika. Pezani Jeffrey kutanthauza dzina.

Roffey kutanthauza dzina labwino kwambiri: Ali ndi ubwino, Kumvetsera, Kulenga, Wokonda, Zamakono. Pezani Roffey kutanthauzira dzina.

Jeffrey chiyambi cha dzina loyamba. Medieval variant of Geoffrey. In America, Jeffrey has been more common than Geoffrey, though this is not true in Britain. Pezani Jeffrey chiyambi cha dzina loyamba.

Jeffrey dzina lamasamba: Geoff, Jeff, Jep. Pezani Mayina a Jeffrey.

Kusindikiza kapena kutchula dzina loyamba Jeffrey: JEF-ree. How to pronounce Jeffrey.

Mayina ofanana a Jeffrey m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana: Fredo, Gaufrid, Geoffrey, Geoffroi, Geoffroy, Gisilfrid, Gjord, Gjurd, Godafrid, Godefroy, Godfried, Godofredo, Godtfred, Goffredo, Gofraidh, Goraidh, Gottfrid, Gottfried, Guðfriðr, Joffrey, Séafra, Sieffre, Siothrún, Walahfrid. Pezani Jeffrey muzinenero zina.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali ndi dzina Jeffrey: Brandstetter, Pyffer, Dale, Massey, Taitt. Pezani Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Jeffrey.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali nalo dzina Roffey: Jacob, Isreal, Alfred, Lesli, Kelley, Alfréd. Pezani Maina omwe amapita ndi Roffey.

Kugwirizana kwa Jeffrey ndi Roffey ndi 82%. Pezani Kugwirizana kwa Jeffrey ndi Roffey.

Jeffrey Roffey mayina ofanana ndi mayina awo

Jeffrey Roffey Geoff Roffey Jeff Roffey Jep Roffey Fredo Roffey Gaufrid Roffey Geoffrey Roffey Geoffroi Roffey Geoffroy Roffey Gisilfrid Roffey Gjord Roffey Gjurd Roffey Godafrid Roffey Godefroy Roffey Godfried Roffey Godofredo Roffey Godtfred Roffey Goffredo Roffey Gofraidh Roffey Goraidh Roffey Gottfrid Roffey Gottfried Roffey Guðfriðr Roffey Joffrey Roffey Séafra Roffey Sieffre Roffey Siothrún Roffey Walahfrid Roffey