Fufuzani  kapena    Chilankhulo:

Rupert Meyer

Dzina ndi chifanizo Rupert Meyer. Dzina la dzina loyambirira, chiyambi, malingana ndi dzina ndi chilembo Rupert Meyer. Mapulogalamu onse pa intaneti.

Rupert Meyer kutanthauza

Rupert Meyer kutanthauza: kufufuza mwachidule cha tanthauzo la dzina Rupert ndi dzina loti Meyer.


Rupert kutanthauza dzina

Dzina la dzina loyamba Rupert. Dzina loyamba Rupert limatanthauza chiyani?


Meyer kutanthauzira dzina

Tanthauzo la dzina la Meyer. Kodi dzina lachibwana Meyer limatanthauza chiyani?


Kugwirizana kwa Rupert ndi Meyer

Kugwirizana kwa dzina lamanambala Meyer ndi dzina Rupert.


Rupert chiyambi cha dzina loyamba

Chiyambi cha dzina loyamba Rupert.


Meyer chiyambi

Chiyambi cha dzina lachilendo Meyer.


Rupert tanthauzo la dzina loyamba

Dzina loyambirira mu zinenero zina, zolemba ndi matchulidwe osiyanasiyana, azimayi ndi amitundu osiyanasiyana dzina Rupert.


Meyer tanthauzo

Dzina lachilendoli m'zinenero zina, zolemba ndi kutanthauzira kutchulidwa kwa dzina Meyer.


Rupert mogwirizana ndi mayina awo

Rupert mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ndi mayina awo.


Meyer mogwirizana ndi mayina

Meyer kuyezetsa mgwirizano wa mayina ndi mayina.


Rupert mogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Rupert mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ena oyambirira.


Meyer yogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Meyer mayesero ogwirizana ndi mayina ena.


Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Rupert

Mayina odziwika kwambiri ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Rupert.


Maina omwe amapita ndi Meyer

Maina wamba ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Meyer.


Meyer kutchulidwa dzina lakutchulidwa

Dzina lomaliza Meyer kufalitsa mapu.


How to pronounce Rupert

Kodi mumatcha bwanji Rupert m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana?


Rupert muzinenero zina

Dziwani momwe dzina loyamba Rupert likutchulira dzina loyamba m'chinenero china m'dziko lina.


Rupert kutanthauzira dzina labwino: Zamakono, Bwino, Yosasunthika, Wokondwa, Wopatsa. Pezani Rupert kutanthauza dzina.

Meyer kutanthauza dzina labwino kwambiri: Kumvetsera, Zamakono, Wokondwa, Kulenga, Yosasunthika. Pezani Meyer kutanthauzira dzina.

Rupert chiyambi cha dzina loyamba. German variant form of Robert. The military commander Prince Rupert of the Rhine, a nephew of Charles I, introduced this name to England in the 17th century. Pezani Rupert chiyambi cha dzina loyamba.

Meyer chiyambi. From the Middle High German word meier meaning "higher, superior". It was used for landholder's stewards or great farmers or leaseholders (nowadays a Meier is a dairy farmer) Pezani Meyer chiyambi.

Dzina lomaliza Meyer lofala kwambiri Austria, France, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland. Pezani Meyer kutchulidwa dzina lakutchulidwa.

Kusindikiza kapena kutchula dzina loyamba Rupert: RUY-pərt (mu chinenero cha Dutch), ROO-pərt (mu English), RUW-pert (mu Polish). How to pronounce Rupert.

Mayina ofanana a Rupert m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana: Berto, Hob, Hopcyn, Hopkin, Hrodebert, Hrodpreht, Pertti, Rab, Rabbie, Raibeart, Robert, Robertas, Roberto, Roberts, Robi, Robin, Roibeárd, Róbert, Roope, Roopertti, Roparzh, Ruperto. Pezani Rupert muzinenero zina.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali ndi dzina Rupert: Mooney, Arent, Knipfel, Casaubon, Kannapel. Pezani Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Rupert.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali nalo dzina Meyer: Joyce, Ellen Meyer, Andre, Mianelle, Robert Meyer, André. Pezani Maina omwe amapita ndi Meyer.

Kugwirizana kwa Rupert ndi Meyer ndi 81%. Pezani Kugwirizana kwa Rupert ndi Meyer.

Rupert Meyer mayina ofanana ndi mayina awo

Rupert Meyer Berto Meyer Hob Meyer Hopcyn Meyer Hopkin Meyer Hrodebert Meyer Hrodpreht Meyer Pertti Meyer Rab Meyer Rabbie Meyer Raibeart Meyer Robert Meyer Robertas Meyer Roberto Meyer Roberts Meyer Robi Meyer Robin Meyer Roibeárd Meyer Róbert Meyer Roope Meyer Roopertti Meyer Roparzh Meyer Ruperto Meyer