Fufuzani  kapena    Chilankhulo:

Steven Leahy

Dzina ndi chifanizo Steven Leahy. Dzina la dzina loyambirira, chiyambi, malingana ndi dzina ndi chilembo Steven Leahy. Mapulogalamu onse pa intaneti.

Steven Leahy kutanthauza

Steven Leahy kutanthauza: kufufuza mwachidule cha tanthauzo la dzina Steven ndi dzina loti Leahy.


Steven kutanthauza dzina

Dzina la dzina loyamba Steven. Dzina loyamba Steven limatanthauza chiyani?


Leahy kutanthauzira dzina

Tanthauzo la dzina la Leahy. Kodi dzina lachibwana Leahy limatanthauza chiyani?


Kugwirizana kwa Steven ndi Leahy

Kugwirizana kwa dzina lamanambala Leahy ndi dzina Steven.


Steven mogwirizana ndi mayina awo

Steven mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ndi mayina awo.


Leahy mogwirizana ndi mayina

Leahy kuyezetsa mgwirizano wa mayina ndi mayina.


Steven mogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Steven mayeso ogwirizana ndi mayina ena oyambirira.


Leahy yogwirizana ndi mayina ena

Leahy mayesero ogwirizana ndi mayina ena.


Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Steven

Mayina odziwika kwambiri ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Steven.


Maina omwe amapita ndi Leahy

Maina wamba ndi osadziwika omwe ali ndi dzina Leahy.


Steven chiyambi cha dzina loyamba

Chiyambi cha dzina loyamba Steven.


Steven tanthauzo la dzina loyamba

Dzina loyambirira mu zinenero zina, zolemba ndi matchulidwe osiyanasiyana, azimayi ndi amitundu osiyanasiyana dzina Steven.


Mayina a Steven

Steven maina ochepa.


How to pronounce Steven

Kodi mumatcha bwanji Steven m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana?


Steven muzinenero zina

Dziwani momwe dzina loyamba Steven likutchulira dzina loyamba m'chinenero china m'dziko lina.


Steven kutanthauzira dzina labwino: Wokondwa, Zovuta, Yosasunthika, Kumvetsera, Yogwira. Pezani Steven kutanthauza dzina.

Leahy kutanthauza dzina labwino kwambiri: Wokonda, Zovuta, Kumvetsera, Ali ndi ubwino, Yosasunthika. Pezani Leahy kutanthauzira dzina.

Steven chiyambi cha dzina loyamba. Medieval English variant of Stephen, and a Dutch variant of Stefan. The filmmaker Steven Spielberg (1946-), director of 'E.T.' and 'Indiana Jones', is a famous bearer of this name. Pezani Steven chiyambi cha dzina loyamba.

Steven dzina lamasamba: Ste, Steph, Steve, Stevie. Pezani Mayina a Steven.

Kusindikiza kapena kutchula dzina loyamba Steven: STEEV-ən (mu English), STAY-vən (mu chinenero cha Dutch). How to pronounce Steven.

Mayina ofanana a Steven m'mayiko ndi zinenero zosiyanasiyana: Estavan, Esteban, Estebe, Estève, Estevão, Esteve, Estevo, Estienne, Étienne, Eztebe, Fane, István, Pista, Pisti, Ștefan, Štěpán, Štefan, Staffan, Steafan, Steaphan, Steenie, Stéphane, Stefán, Stefan, Stefano, Stefanos, Stefans, Stefek, Steffan, Steffen, Stepan, Stepane, Stephan, Stephanos, Stephanus, Stephen, Steponas, Stevan, Stevo, Stiofán, Stipan, Stipe, Stipo, Stjepan, Szczepan, Tahvo, Tapani, Teppo, Tipene. Pezani Steven muzinenero zina.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali ndi dzina Steven: Mason, Gunnerson, Wakefield, Welsh, Hormell. Pezani Mndandanda wa mayina omwe ali ndi dzina Steven.

Mayina ambiri omwe ali nalo dzina Leahy: Michaela, Luke, Rochelle, Rosalinda, Steven. Pezani Maina omwe amapita ndi Leahy.

Kugwirizana kwa Steven ndi Leahy ndi 76%. Pezani Kugwirizana kwa Steven ndi Leahy.

Steven Leahy mayina ofanana ndi mayina awo

Steven Leahy Ste Leahy Steph Leahy Steve Leahy Stevie Leahy Estavan Leahy Esteban Leahy Estebe Leahy Estève Leahy Estevão Leahy Esteve Leahy Estevo Leahy Estienne Leahy Étienne Leahy Eztebe Leahy Fane Leahy István Leahy Pista Leahy Pisti Leahy Ștefan Leahy Štěpán Leahy Štefan Leahy Staffan Leahy Steafan Leahy Steaphan Leahy Steenie Leahy Stéphane Leahy Stefán Leahy Stefan Leahy Stefano Leahy Stefanos Leahy Stefans Leahy Stefek Leahy Steffan Leahy Steffen Leahy Stepan Leahy Stepane Leahy Stephan Leahy Stephanos Leahy Stephanus Leahy Stephen Leahy Steponas Leahy Stevan Leahy Stevo Leahy Stiofán Leahy Stipan Leahy Stipe Leahy Stipo Leahy Stjepan Leahy Szczepan Leahy Tahvo Leahy Tapani Leahy Teppo Leahy Tipene Leahy